The Journal of Business Sectors [JOBS Journal] accepts scientific articles focused on the defined journal's areas. Only scientific contributions meeting the following requirements can be published:
Original scientific article based on own research or is an own scientific review;
The article is original and has not been published yet;
The author has the copyright, including the permission to use it freely.
Authors are responsible for the originality and professionalism as well as the formal accuracy of the contribution. Contributions in the JOBS Journal are published in the English language only. The acceptance of the article for publishing will be confirmed by e-mail.
Journal of Business Sectors is published twice a year:
Issue 1 – 30 June
Issue 2 – 31 December
The editors check each accepted article with the anti-plagiarism system Crossref Similarity Check, and the editors send a report from the Grammarly to the corresponding author for linguistic and formal aspects.
Contributions are accepted in the electronic form and format MS Word [.docx] only. The article in the template is sent via the editorial system. Authors are required to submit in the JOBS Journals template and follow the structure of the article as instructed by the editors.
The structure of a contribution for acceptance is binding, namely in the following form:
Title of the article
Name of the author and co-authors (without academic degree titles) with affiliation, e-mail address and ORCID
Abstract according to the instructions in template
JEL Classification
Original article text (divided according to template instructions)
List of references
Acknowledgement (if needed)
Template for submission
Authors state the aim of the research topic and its focus in general, explain its originality, and introduce its structure.
Theoretical background
Authors evaluate the current state of the research topic on an international scale. When working on the theoretical part of the paper, authors should predominantly work with articles published in the Web of Science and Scopus databases. It is recommended to use at least 40 sources. The use of monographs is not recommended, other sources should be used minimally. Sources should not be older than 10 years, at least 50% of sources should not by older than 5 years.
Research objective, methodology and data
This part of the paper states its aim, detailed methodology and data used. The title of the paper must be compatible with its aim and its content. Using of sophisticated statistic methods is needed. Authors can use descriptive statistics as well.
Results and discussion
Authors introduce research results that should be obtained using sophisticated statistical methods, then interpret them in an economic manner, while comparing them with sources listed in the theoretical part, or justify the excellence of their own results. This part should cover a comparison of results with other international results.
Authors evaluate whether the aim of the paper was fulfilled and present the main findings of the research. Limitations of the research/results and a direction for further research should be explained.
Tables and figures should be numbered and pertaining references must be included in the text. The acceptable labeling for a table is Tab.1 and Fig. 1 for a figure (graph, picture, scheme, etc.). The title of the table or figure has to be on the top of the figure / table. Source has to be located under the table / figure. Due to subsequent graphical processing, it is necessary to insert a link to the figure / table in the text in this template as follows “see Tab. 1. / Figure 1.” and state the formula in bold “<INSERT TAB 1. / FIGURE 1. HERE>” before each visual.
In-text citations and the Reference list should follow the referencing style used by the American Psychological Association (APA style). Details concerning this referencing style can be found here. Authors can also use a citation machine or use (e.g.) a Mendeley software.
In case the above instructions are not fulfilled by authors, journal editors will reject the contribution due to formal reasons and it will not be evaluated further.
In JOBS Journal, we make sure that Editor, the Editorial Staff, authors and reviewers strictly follow the principles of scientific and publishing ethical codes. The review process is conducted in the form of double blind review. Before the manuscripts are submitted for a critical review process, all the information that would enable any identification of authorship is removed. All articles are checked via plagiarism software before next proceeding. If the article does not meet the criteria in this area, the author is informed of the reasons for refusing the article. If the submitted article is original without a suspicion of plagiarism, it is sent to the responsible editor (desk review). The responsible editor checks the quality of the article according to the following criteria:
the theme and the character of the contribution corresponding to the criteria defined by the journal;
the formal treatment of the contribution following the Instructions for authors, including the prescribed formatting for a scientific article;
a stylistic and linguistic level required;
citations and list of the used literature arranged properly and according to the existing standards.
The editor has the right to reject contributions that are not in accordance with the journal’s editorial purpose and do not meet the above criteria and informs the author about this matter via e-mail.
Based on editor’s positive review, the contribution proceeds to the peer review process. In the peer review process, minimum of two independent reviewers (at least one of them is from a different country than the author) evaluate the quality of an article submitted and make a proposal regarding further procedure. The evaluation is primarily aimed at meeting the following criteria
Is the subject of the contribution in accordance with the overall topic of the journal?
Is the theme of the contribution relevant and of interest for specialized readers?
Does the formulation of the title and the abstract correspond to the actual content of the contribution?
Are the goals of the contribution appropriately set out and clearly formulated?
Is the theoretical argument of the contribution appropriate and well-articulated?
Are appropriate research methods utilized for dealing with the issue?
Are the main results and conclusions of the contribution clearly formulated?
Does the contribution have a clear structure which corresponds to the established goals?
Does the contribution contain appropriate critical views and opinions of the author on the issue analysed?
Are the conclusions and results of the contribution valuable and of use?
Are the bibliography and information sources sufficient and up-to-date?
The review process duration is approximately 3 months. The articles recommended for a publishing are sent to the Editorial Board for the final approval of publication at the earliest issue of the JOBS. Articles are sent without mentioning the author's name, affiliation and acknowledgment.
Each author is notified about the result of the peer review process by e-mail and has the right to comment the review reports. Based on the Grammarly report, the authors are also asked to modify the language of the manuscript in order to improve the quality of the article. If the author raises an objection to the review reports, the Editor-in-chief and responsible editor check these objections within 30 days and they inform the author about the result. The Editorial Staff and the Editorial Board reserve the right to reject the contribution.
The author claims that copyrights given to the publisher belong to him/her without limitations. He/she has no obligations that would obstruct providing the license to the publisher. The author provides the right to use the work to the publisher.
All articles from Journal of Business Sectors have "free availability on the public internet, permitting any users to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of these articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those inseparable from gaining access to the internet itself." (From the BOAI Definition of Open Access). The JOBS offers access to the contents in the open access system on the principles license Creative Commons (CC BY 4.0).
The manuscript's reviewer is selected by the Editorial Board or the Editor-in-Chief who informs the reviewer by e-mail with a request to conduct a review. The review request email contains an anonymous version of the article (without the names of the authors or other identifying elements that can clearly identify the authors of the article (e.g. ORCID). The review of a manuscript is entered through a system that guides the reviewer through the complex structure of the review. Reviewer is required to comment on the manuscript in each review's section.